Thursday, July 30, 2009

July's over!

Just a quick update!
I'm fine, keeping busy with work, coping with the heat, and can't believe my summer job is almost over!! So far so good :-) Anyway, I'll have to make an effort to write a "real post" soon :-)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Quick update

Today marks my tenth month in France :-) Everything is fine at the moment. Work is interesting, and I've had the opportunity to communicate in English, French and Spanish! I'm hesitant to consider myself bilingual or trilingual, but I guess as far as French goes, I must admit that I'm quite comfortable with the language. Yayy, benefits of living in France :-) The weather is ridiculously hot, but at least there's la climatisation at work! I really enjoyed a friend's bday party this weekend, and now I'm considering attending salsa classes... once I find a good teacher/class nearby, mais ça, ç'est pas gagné!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Another récépissé! Back to work!

After one and a half days "sans papiers" and thus "sans boulot" (my contract was temporarily suspended), I received my new récépissé from the Préfecture today! Finally!!!!!!!!!! I had to collect it at the mairie. I'm starting back work tomorrow :-)